Blog Global Learning & Development

New year’s “resoquestions”

New year, new resolutions

For many of us, beginning of January is the moment for new resolutions. Will gyms make their major revenue in just a few weeks? I’ve been wondering what are my authentically new resolutions, what will change, how I will evolve… In this fast-changing environment, I find myself knowing less what to expect, but having a deeper understanding of who I want to be and become.

Why? This last decade has proven that anticipating the future is again harder than ever… In terms of professional development, our intuition (and valid research) tells that jobs will change, and AI will take over many fields – including regular and quite complex tasks. Like it or not, it’ll be there… So how can we make a resolution if we don’t know exactly what the implementation scenario will look like?

A new way of learning

Well, as usual, we will only succeed if we keep learning. And the key to learning is not trying to have all the answers, but actually to keep working on new (or old but still relevant) questions. Inspired by an article read some years ago, I don’t ask my kids what they’ve learned at school today, but mostly if they’ve asked good questions. It is a good way to keep the learning spirit alive.

Add your comments to this post, or send me a quick note! We’d really like to learn more about your resolutions, your questions, your resoquestions for this year!

You can also click on the video below which presents some of Cegos’ inspiring beliefs about learning.

Happy New Year to you and yours. For new learning opportunities, for growth and success, for great moments to share.